Mostly Bollogs, I'm afraid

But occasionally, a glimmer of truth.
If you find one, please let me know.

Friday, 5 February 2010

Today I saw a footprint on the beach

"Sunshine and Bunnies"

I am delighted to be able to report today that a major hurdle has been overcome in the fight for commonsense, justice and freedom.

David Cameron said today that if he is elected he will stand by each and every one of his manifesto promises, all of which have a GANTT chart published explaining who is to do what, when, and how much it will cost.

He promises a referendum on Europe, as well as promising to cut a swathe through the army of unnecessary public servants who are soaking up the taxpayers' hard-earned cash whilst merely increasing red tape and reducing the unemployment figure to make the government look good.

He said in a statement that in the event of any these promises coming to nothing he will cut off one of his limbs and stick it on a spike outside Downing Street.

Actually, this is all bollocks. He didn't say anything of the sort. Nor will he. Nor will Brown. Nor will Clegg, nor any of the others including the Nazi Party.

So this isn't going to work, is it?


I shall instead continue to try to draw attention to the ridiculous things that New Labour have done in the last twelve years, and the fact that it isn't going to get any better unless a few million people crawl out from under the TV and start to do something about it.

If I offend someone in the process, so be it.

If that person is someone whose opinion I have come to respect, I ask only that that person tries to understand mine.

1 comment:

Corrugated Soundbite said...

"I shall instead continue to try to draw attention to the ridiculous things that New Labour have done in the last twelve years"

In which case, I hope to be around to send my congratulations for this blog's 30th anniversary.

It's going to be fun, in a very bleak, scorched earth kind of way.